Automatic Door Systems: A Smart Home Transformation

Adding Automatic Sliding Doors Is the First Step in Home Automation

The smart home is something we only see in science fiction movies or television shows. Technology has come a long way in bringing us some pretty amazing things that help us create a smart home with items that add a lot of functionality to our home. Here are several of the most popular items that you can now purchase, install, and operate remotely using your smartphone or a key chain style remote.

  • WiFi Enable Thermostat for Smart HomeThermostat: Control the interior temperature of your home remotely to make it more comfortable before you get home. Most smart thermostats have several settings that allow you quite a lot of customization, and they may even learn your daily routines so you can go about daily life without even thinking about it. However, they also allow you to change the temperature from your smartphone if you’re unexpectedly out of town or forget to set the temperature before going on vacation.
  • Lighting: Sync your interior and exterior lighting with your smartphone and control the amount of lighting in and around your home from anywhere.
  • Sound Systems: Wire your entire home for sound, and blast your playlist from your phone or tablet.
  • Entertainment Systems: Your home entertainment center probably has several remote controls, or you may have already rolled everything into a single remote. You can also control your smart TV and your entire entertainment system from your phone.
  • Security Systems: Keep an eye on your home from anywhere. Double check the doors on your way to work to make sure you locked them. Lock the door remotely if you happen to have forgotten. You can also unlock the door and turn the alarm off as you enter the garage so you don’t have to deal with it.
  • Automatic Pet Door: Pet doors are difficult to get right because of the size ranges of all types of pets. Small dogs use small dog doors, where larger dogs need a bigger opening. The Autoslide automatic pet door can be customized to open just enough to allow your pet entry or exit, then the door closes and locks behind your pet.
  • Exterior Automatic Patio Door: Sliding glass doors are very popular as a secondary door or a door that leads to a patio, porch, or deck. The Autoslide automatic door system makes it very easy to transition from indoors to outdoors while carrying dishes or meats for the grill. You won’t have to juggle plates on one hand while trying to open the sliding glass door with the other if you use our motion detector automatic door system.
  • Interior Automatic Pocket Doors: Pocket doors simplify life inside the home. They’re very common in the homes of people with mobility issues because they don’t get in the way of walkers or wheelchairs. They simply slide into the wall and out of the way. The Autoslide automatic pocket door system makes it very easy to move from room to room as doors automatically open for you.

Autoslide manufactures a great line of automatic door systems for the smart home and for businesses. Consider installing an automatic door system at your home to improve the functionality of your existing sliding doors. To choose the system that works best to fit your needs, contact Autoslide at or locate a dealer near you for local service.




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David Li

Hi Alaina,
We have done similar for customers on Michigan. We have used AutoSlides for pocket doors for easier wheel chair accessibility.

We have also automated all of the rest of the home’s functions including music, movies, TV control, security system, thermostats, outdoor irrigation, security cameras, window blinds, lighting for all rooms and closets, holiday lighting, wine cataloging, food recipes, calendaring, and more.

All capabilities are usable from the client’s wheelchair tablet and most functions have been voice enabled.

We cross integrate the systems: For example, we use motion and infrared detectors of the security system that let’s our automation controller know that the wheelchair has crossed a threshold. Based on time of day and security settings, we slide the door open (or not). Using software we “debounce” the signals so that the multiple wheels, legs, etc that cross the sensors don’t Open / Close / Open / Close the door too often (as each wheel passes through the sensor).

Feel free to give us an email. Maybe we can help you out with your project.

Alaina Smario

Good Morning,

My name is Alaina, I am Sheila Kauffman’s Personal Assistant. We live in Greenwich and i’m in the middle of making her house handicap accessible. She is looking to maker her doors all over the house automatic. She has two sliding glass doors and she’s picked three regular swing open doors automatic, do you happen to have a solution to any of these?? espscially the swing open? she was mentioning a hydraulic system for the swing opens, do you do that?

ahh, please advise…
have a good day!

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