Create a Safer Home for Your Aging Family Members

We all lose a certain amount of mobility as we age. Many of us will become dependent on a walker, a wheelchair, or some other walking aid. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with this; these devices help many homeowners retain their independence a bit longer. A lot of senior citizens across the United States and here in Florida are living alone well into their 70s and 80s.

We all worry about our aging family members, because bones become frail and skin becomes thin. Many fall accidents result in a broken bone or broken skin. These accidents are often completely unavoidable, but there are a few things we can do to help with mobility issues with elder family members. Let’s look at a few home modifications we can make to create a safer home for our aging family members.

Grab Bars

Many homeowners worry that grab bars in the bathroom or other areas will make the home look like it’s designed for an old person. This makes them a turn-off for many independent senior citizens. You can, however, find grab bars that are very stylish and decorative, and add to the normal decor of the home instead of giving it a public restroom or old person’s house feel.

Seating in the Shower

A bench in the shower is helpful regardless of the age of the homeowner. They provide a safe sitting spot to shave legs or to simply relax while the hot water and steam of the shower wash away the worries of the day.

Higher Toilet Seats

Elevated toilet seats make it easier for people with mobility issues to sit on the toilet and return to a standing position.

Automatic Sliding Doors

Sliding doors add an ease of movement from room to room or from the home to the patio, but they often become difficult to maneuver for older, weaker hands. Our Autoslide Sliding Door System is designed to work as a motion sensor device or with the press of a button. The ability to open the door before you get to it offers a lot of added mobility for someone who otherwise couldn’t safely and comfortably open the door on their own.

Automatic Door Locks

The idea of Autoslide enabled automatic doors causes some concerns with some homeowners because they worry that the motion sensor will open to allow entry to anyone who walks near. We agree. This would pose a problem without the automatic door locking mechanism. The locking motor will lock the door as long as the Autoslide system is activate.

Safety is our number-one concern when our family needs a little additional help. We understand the desire to help aging family members or those with mobility issues as much as possible. We also understand that you can’t be there at all times to make sure that they’re safe. This is why we encourage grab bars, shower seats, higher toilet seats, and automatic sliding doors.

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